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Water Treatment Plant - ETA


efficient and  


Compact Water Treatment Plant - ETAC


Open Water Treatment Plant - ETAG

Ideal equipment for clarification and  surface water potability


Controll Master offers two types of station  water treatment compact: open or  pressurized. The stations are used for the clarification and water purification of surface water.
Compact pressurized ETA's are manufactured
  in carbon steel and the open ones are made in  high-strength, non-toxic polypropylene.
The stations are modern and feature a system of
  greatly simplified operation. They can be dimensioned in modules for low, medium and  high flows.

ETAC is a system consisting of:

  • Electric stirrers for the homogenization of  Chemicals.

  • Chemical product dosing system.

  • Hydraulic disperser for mixing the products in the  raw water in pressurized ETA's and parshal gutter  in open ETA's.

  • Flocculation and decantation systems with  built-in devices designed to accelerate the  process generating less sludge and reducing the  amount of chemicals.

  • Sand filtration system can be classic  in open ETA's and Biflow in pressurized ETA's


The open water treatment plant is indicated  for clarification of surface water that  have high variations in water quality  gross.

Advantages of Compact ETA's over ETA's  Conventional:

  • Does not require engineering works

  • Expandable as needed

  • can be removed

  • It has a predetermined delivery period

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