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In 2023 we will celebrate our 25th anniversary, and so many goals were achieved, that the feeling today is that all the effort was really worth it! This story gains more and more strength daily.
In addition to the privilege of doing a rewarding job every day, it motivates us to be surrounded by competent people, who only add more to our trajectory and to our daily lives.
For all the difficulties overcome, for the unconditional respect for all members of this company and especially for the consideration always present in our relationship with our customers, suppliers, consultants and friends, thank you very much!

Today, always guided by our mission, we are recognized as a leader in providing products with water treatment technology. Notably, in the removal of iron, manganese, aluminum and arsenic ions in water for human consumption. The development of our technologies is always aimed at the use of clean energy, energy efficiency, time optimization, profitability, productivity and cost reduction, with the utmost concern for the environment.
The projects are previously studied and strategically analyzed for the adequate supply and compliance with the established technical requirements, in order to provide the best and most adequate solution for each case. In addition to providing technical follow-up services, assembly and installation of stations and supply of inputs as needed.

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